
Wired: Chinese Authorities Place 'Wanted' Posters For Tibetan Rioters On Web Portals

Wired: Chinese Authorities Place 'Wanted' Posters For Tibetan Rioters On Web Portals

Meanwhile, Tibetans in Los Angeles held a rally. Xeni Jardin of Boing Boing covered the event and interviewed some of the participants.

The news wires also report that the current riots may have some expensive consequences. The Chinese authorities are re-thinking the idea of allowing the American news networks to broadcast live from Tiananmen Square during the Olympic games this August. The networks apparently paid hundreds of millions of dollars for the privilege.

In other news, the Dalai Lama, it seems, also shares a pet peeve with reporters that all other leaders do. The Dalai Lama issued a terse press release today that said: " ... He also reminded the Media not to quote him out of context."

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