You Go Where You Should Go - 12, 13, 14 November, Contagiarte(Porto)
[vamos onde devemos ir]

performance/installation introduced by Hajime Fujita
12, 13, 14 November 2009
Festival TRANSdisse 2009 / Porto, Portugal
We are living, here and now, wherever and whenever we are... even however we are.
We are different.
We have different life, different situation and condition of life.
Although, all we are living.
Living with family, lover, friends... Living with properties such as money, house, car... Living with a full of joy, pleasure, satisfaction... Living with fear, sorrow, pain... Or to be living under cold sky on the street...
Life is unfair, and difficult.
Then, what helps us?
To what can we ask a help?
This performance would formalize a space to show one body.
Life would be, of course, there on that body, and [hopefully/naturally] it would bring a moment we see a 'possibility'.
Hajime Fujita
Choreographer, dancer and performance artist. Born in 1982, in Yokohama of Japan. His piece has been introduced in Centro Cultural de Bel ém(2009), Centro Cultural Malaposta(2009), Mandala Performance Festival(Wroclaw-Poland/2009), SKITe/Sweet and Tender in Porto(2008), Festa da Dança(Lisbon/2008), Festival Ananil(2008/2007), Maus Hábitos(2008, 2007, 2006) and other venues in Portugal, Japan, France and Spain.
Studied in Kyoto University of Art and Design for Performing Arts between 2001-2005. Participated PEPCC programme of Forum Dança in 2008. Participated international projects of danceWEB(Vienna, 2006), Pointe to Point(Warsaw, 2006) and SKITe/Sweet and Tender(Reims, 2007/Porto, 2008). Nominated for Rolex Mentor and Protege Arts Initiative programme(Geneva) in 2008.
Rua Álvares Cabral, 37219, Porto, Portugal
12, 13, 14 November
22h45 (to be confirmed)
Terra na Boca - Cultural Association
+Art Link (Romania)
+Jardin'd Europe
with a support of European Union Cultural Programme
+Oficinas do Convento (Montemor-o-Novo)
+Maus Hábitos (Porto)

performance/installation introduced by Hajime Fujita
12, 13, 14 November 2009
Festival TRANSdisse 2009 / Porto, Portugal
We are living, here and now, wherever and whenever we are... even however we are.
We are different.
We have different life, different situation and condition of life.
Although, all we are living.
Living with family, lover, friends... Living with properties such as money, house, car... Living with a full of joy, pleasure, satisfaction... Living with fear, sorrow, pain... Or to be living under cold sky on the street...
Life is unfair, and difficult.
Then, what helps us?
To what can we ask a help?
This performance would formalize a space to show one body.
Life would be, of course, there on that body, and [hopefully/naturally] it would bring a moment we see a 'possibility'.
Hajime Fujita
Choreographer, dancer and performance artist. Born in 1982, in Yokohama of Japan. His piece has been introduced in Centro Cultural de Bel ém(2009), Centro Cultural Malaposta(2009), Mandala Performance Festival(Wroclaw-Poland/2009), SKITe/Sweet and Tender in Porto(2008), Festa da Dança(Lisbon/2008), Festival Ananil(2008/2007), Maus Hábitos(2008, 2007, 2006) and other venues in Portugal, Japan, France and Spain.
Studied in Kyoto University of Art and Design for Performing Arts between 2001-2005. Participated PEPCC programme of Forum Dança in 2008. Participated international projects of danceWEB(Vienna, 2006), Pointe to Point(Warsaw, 2006) and SKITe/Sweet and Tender(Reims, 2007/Porto, 2008). Nominated for Rolex Mentor and Protege Arts Initiative programme(Geneva) in 2008.
Rua Álvares Cabral, 37219, Porto, Portugal
12, 13, 14 November
22h45 (to be confirmed)
Terra na Boca - Cultural Association
+Art Link (Romania)
+Jardin'd Europe
with a support of European Union Cultural Programme
+Oficinas do Convento (Montemor-o-Novo)
+Maus Hábitos (Porto)

Workshop "Open Your Body to All The Possibilities" + final presentation

Photo: Bartłomiej Bielecki
Aqui, neste momento, o quê e como vemos, ouvimos, cheiramos, tocamos, sentimos, pensamos, o que evocamos…?
É desnecessário referir que o corpo tem um sistema automático, que certamente influencia os nossos sentidos e a nossa cognição: muitas vezes não vemos o que estamos a ver. Por exemplo, é normal não pensar que o nosso coração bate a não ser que tenha um problema, sendo que a nossa perspectiva cria, normalmente, uma certa atenção que a “exclui” para fora do seu foco.
Este workshop de improvisação guiará os participantes na consciência da invisibilidade da nossa percepção. Mesmo antes de criar qualquer coisa de novo, posicionamo-nos sempre diante de inúmeras possibilidades. Por outras palavras, o workshop irá concentrar-se no “antes do movimento”, para que assim, possamos movimentar-nos livremente.
Especificamente em espaços públicos, estações do metro, praças, onde será feita a apresentação final do workshop, serão sítios onde sempre podemos descobrir muito desta “invisibilidade”.
Quem aprecia a arquitectura e a paisagem? Quem pensa na atmosfera desta plataforma? Quem vê as questões sociais dos aglomerados de pessoas que ali estão ou passam? A Arte pode estar lá presente.
Sample Videos of his Improvisation
Hajime Fujita
Hajime Fujita é choreógrafo e bailarino. Nasceu em 1982, em Yokohama no Japão.
As suas peças foram apresentadas no Centro Cultural de Belém(2009), Centro Cultural Malaposta(2009), Mandala Performance Festival(Wroclaw-Polónia/2009), SKITe/Sweet and Tender no Porto(2008), Festa da Dança(Lisboa/2008), Festival Ananil(2008/2007), Maus Hábitos(2008, 2007, 2006) entre outros, em Portugal, Japan, France and Spain.
Estudou na University of Art and Design for Performing Arts, em Kyoto entre 2001-2005. Participou no PEPCC do Forum Dança in 2008. Participou em projectos internationais de danceWEB(Viena, 2006), Pointe to Point(Varsóvia, 2006) and SKITe/Sweet and Tender(Reims, 2007/Porto, 2008). Foi nomeado para o programa Rolex Mentor e Protege Arts Initiative (Genebra) em 2008.
Condições e datas do Workshop:
Sábado, 31 de Outubro
das 17h às 20h
e Domingo 1 de Novembro
das 10h às 18h
- às 18h Finaliza com a performance (em local público a definir com o criador) de entre 15 a 20 minutos.
Para Guerreiros da Dança e outros alunos do Estúdio Mandinga 7a posição - 30€
Para alunos externos - 40€
Local: Estúdio Mandinga 7a Posição
R. de Sto António à Glória, 38 (metro Restauradores)
Inscrições e informações: dancaparapeles@gmail.com
919122371 / 931783435 / 966189406
dontdiemyfriendtommy / Mandala Performance Festival in Wroclaw
I will be in Romania this month in July
After 2 weeks intensive group residency in O Espaço de Tempo(Motemor-o-Novo, Portugal), now I am almost leaving for Romania. In the frame work of Jardin'd Europe, and organized by ArtLink, I am invited for 3 weeks residency in Centrul Cultural "Palatele Brancovenesti" in Mogosoaia.
It also brings final presentation as well.
Precisely, I will work on the project "The Other/I don't know you.", but probably with much more different materials.
Ok, my dear, see you in Romania. :)
It also brings final presentation as well.
Precisely, I will work on the project "The Other/I don't know you.", but probably with much more different materials.
Ok, my dear, see you in Romania. :)
Synchronous Objects, Forsythe's new internet dance project
William Forsythe introduces his new internet dance project.
Seems cool, although what he is doing is different from me.
Seems cool, although what he is doing is different from me.
Improvisation Dance Workshop in Porto/Montemor-o-Novo - June
Improvisation Dance Workshop by Hajime Fujita
"Open Your Body to All The Possibilities"

First of all this atelier focuses on "before the movement". Namely, exploring what we can interpret to the movement, what possibilities of dance actually we are having as of momentum.
The main issue is that, "what we are seeing and what we are NOT seeing?" The atelier starts with opening participants' eyes to our perception. Always the participants would try to remind the possibilities which each of them already has but which he/she is not noticing well. Internal information of our mind, intention, sense, cognition, memory, history, society etc. and outside information of physical shape, rhythm, materiality, human body(existence of the Other) etc. This atelier would guide a pathway to engage and entangle all those information as possibilities of movement.
info/video http://hajifuji.ciao.jp/workshop.html
Inscription: 45 euros (36 euro for the friends of NEC)
* Please inscribe until 27th May, hurry!
1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10 Jun 2009 - 18h-21h
Espaço NEC/Fábrica Social - Rua da Fábrica Social s/n 4000 201 Porto
+351 961424668 / +351 913211428
Inscription: 15 euros
16, 17, 18, 19 Jun 2009 - 19h-22h
Centro Juvenil Montemor-o-Novo - Av. Gago Coutinho 58, Montemor-o-Novo
+351 266 898 100(ext. 309)
"Open Your Body to All The Possibilities"
First of all this atelier focuses on "before the movement". Namely, exploring what we can interpret to the movement, what possibilities of dance actually we are having as of momentum.
The main issue is that, "what we are seeing and what we are NOT seeing?" The atelier starts with opening participants' eyes to our perception. Always the participants would try to remind the possibilities which each of them already has but which he/she is not noticing well. Internal information of our mind, intention, sense, cognition, memory, history, society etc. and outside information of physical shape, rhythm, materiality, human body(existence of the Other) etc. This atelier would guide a pathway to engage and entangle all those information as possibilities of movement.
info/video http://hajifuji.ciao.jp/workshop.html
Inscription: 45 euros (36 euro for the friends of NEC)
* Please inscribe until 27th May, hurry!
1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10 Jun 2009 - 18h-21h
Espaço NEC/Fábrica Social - Rua da Fábrica Social s/n 4000 201 Porto
+351 961424668 / +351 913211428
Inscription: 15 euros
16, 17, 18, 19 Jun 2009 - 19h-22h
Centro Juvenil Montemor-o-Novo - Av. Gago Coutinho 58, Montemor-o-Novo
+351 266 898 100(ext. 309)
This is a video installation project, collaborated with Thelma Bonavita(Brazil) in 2007.
How to write a CV
Even work in a shop, bar or restaurant will involve working in a team, providing a quality service to customers, and dealing tactful with complaints. Don't mention the routine, non-people tasks (cleaning the tables) unless you are applying for a casual summer job in a restaurant or similar.
Derrida says:
One cannot, or should not, forgive; there is only forgiveness, if there is any, where there is the unforgiveable. That is to say that forgiveness must announce itself as impossibility itself. It can only be possible in doing the impossible.
-On Cosmopolitanism and Forgiveness, P.32
One cannot, or should not, forgive; there is only forgiveness, if there is any, where there is the unforgiveable. That is to say that forgiveness must announce itself as impossibility itself. It can only be possible in doing the impossible.
-On Cosmopolitanism and Forgiveness, P.32
NEVE GORDON: How to Sell "Ethical" Warfare
NEVE GORDON: How to Sell "Ethical" Warfare
One of my students was arrested yesterday and spent the night in a prison cell. R's offence was protesting the Israeli assault on Gaza. He joins over 700 other Israelis who have been detained since the beginning of Israel's ruthless war on Gaza: an estimated 230 of whom are still behind bars. Within the Israeli context, this strategy of quelling protest and stifling resistance is unprecedented, and it is quite disturbing that the international media has failed to comment on it.
Simultaneously, the Israeli media has been towing the government line to such a degree that no criticism of the war has been voiced on any of the three local television stations. Indeed, the situation has become so absurd that reporters and anchors are currently less critical of the war than the military spokespeople. In the absence of any critical analysis, it is not so surprising that 78% of Israelis, or about 98% of all Jewish Israelis, support the war.
One of my students was arrested yesterday and spent the night in a prison cell. R's offence was protesting the Israeli assault on Gaza. He joins over 700 other Israelis who have been detained since the beginning of Israel's ruthless war on Gaza: an estimated 230 of whom are still behind bars. Within the Israeli context, this strategy of quelling protest and stifling resistance is unprecedented, and it is quite disturbing that the international media has failed to comment on it.
Simultaneously, the Israeli media has been towing the government line to such a degree that no criticism of the war has been voiced on any of the three local television stations. Indeed, the situation has become so absurd that reporters and anchors are currently less critical of the war than the military spokespeople. In the absence of any critical analysis, it is not so surprising that 78% of Israelis, or about 98% of all Jewish Israelis, support the war.
f/f in São Bento da Vitória(Porto, Portugal)
This is from a SKITe/Sweet and Tender 2008 in Porto this summer.
Speech for my installation's opening event
Feliz Ano Novo!!
I just wrote a text for the speech of my installation's opening event today.
I think this is the most clear and simple text so far which says what I mean in my piece.
This piece is a discourse about the Other.
I avoid to explain my piece, how it has been developing.
Instead, I try to talk about the Other.
The Other helps me. The Other loves me. The Other hates me. The Other sometimes hearts me.
The Other is always coming from where I do not know. I can not expect anything, even I already know something about or around the Other, that does not mean I know him or her.
I do not know.
The question is, how I can live together with the Other.
While I am talking, hundreds of bombs are exploding in Palestine.
It seems, we can not find a way to live together.
Look his/her face, which always asks us "don't kill me.".
What we can do is just we do "not" kill him/her.
In order to reach there, we have to see his/her face.
Or at least we should be conscious that we can see his/her face.
Needless to say, always there is a difficulty of forgiveness.
There is the unforgiveable, surely.
Even so, I hope we can draw our dream, here and now.

I just wrote a text for the speech of my installation's opening event today.
I think this is the most clear and simple text so far which says what I mean in my piece.
This piece is a discourse about the Other.
I avoid to explain my piece, how it has been developing.
Instead, I try to talk about the Other.
The Other helps me. The Other loves me. The Other hates me. The Other sometimes hearts me.
The Other is always coming from where I do not know. I can not expect anything, even I already know something about or around the Other, that does not mean I know him or her.
I do not know.
The question is, how I can live together with the Other.
While I am talking, hundreds of bombs are exploding in Palestine.
It seems, we can not find a way to live together.
Look his/her face, which always asks us "don't kill me.".
What we can do is just we do "not" kill him/her.
In order to reach there, we have to see his/her face.
Or at least we should be conscious that we can see his/her face.
Needless to say, always there is a difficulty of forgiveness.
There is the unforgiveable, surely.
Even so, I hope we can draw our dream, here and now.

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