
Speech for my installation's opening event

Feliz Ano Novo!!

I just wrote a text for the speech of my installation's opening event today.
I think this is the most clear and simple text so far which says what I mean in my piece.


This piece is a discourse about the Other.
I avoid to explain my piece, how it has been developing.
Instead, I try to talk about the Other.

The Other helps me. The Other loves me. The Other hates me. The Other sometimes hearts me.
The Other is always coming from where I do not know. I can not expect anything, even I already know something about or around the Other, that does not mean I know him or her.
I do not know.

The question is, how I can live together with the Other.

While I am talking, hundreds of bombs are exploding in Palestine.
It seems, we can not find a way to live together.

Look his/her face, which always asks us "don't kill me.".
What we can do is just we do "not" kill him/her.
In order to reach there, we have to see his/her face.
Or at least we should be conscious that we can see his/her face.

Needless to say, always there is a difficulty of forgiveness.
There is the unforgiveable, surely.

Even so, I hope we can draw our dream, here and now.

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